Technology will play a significant role in India’s economic and social development in the coming years. Young leaders with technical expertise or who know to harness the power of technology need to come forward to be the front face of the political system & contribute to enabling India to be the world leader in DIGITAL AGE.
To me, life has given me the opportunity for me to be part of the digital revolution, as well as my deep interest in photography, has blessed me to see the world from different perspectives. I was born and brought up in a small city setting, studied Engineering, lived and worked on a wide Social, diverse background, and traveled Internationally working with various ethnicities and races. My Journey of life has taught me that in whatever capacity we are capable we should explore ways to give back to society. I cherish social service, wildlife photography, nature conservation and am always willing to contribute, motivate and influence people to work for the upliftment of the one who needs a helping hand.
Vande Mataram!!
My Associations for Social Causes

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